Boneless Beef Karhai
Chicken kabab+chunks, lamb chops, lamb shank, daal karahi, charsi karahi
Menu with location and drinks
More menu, meat and skewers items
Menu, curry items
Main paper menu
food, soups and chowder
Menu on the wall/tv display
Bagara chicken kebab
Goat Karahi
Boneless Beef karahi
Mash daal, garlic naan, complementary hummus, sauce, free hot tea
Garlic naan
Goat karhayi, chapli kabab, beef kabab & chicken boti meal.
Chapli Kabab
Naan and hummus.
Mixed chapli kababs over naan (with onions and tomatoes)
Naan and other side dishes
Garlic Naan, Chapati, Boneless Beef Karhai, Daal, Biryani
food, pancakes
Hummus & Naan
#7 chicken tandoori with complementary hummus, request the green chutney (it's very, very good )
Chicken Biryani